Well I’m glad they fixed a nuisance problem I was seeing with triangulation (ver. 2-70-2.72), but the rendering sure seems a lot slower than back in 2.69. Is it my imagination, or is the normal map making the mesh a lot darker now?
Ok I reported the bug as OpenGl speed regression.
I can’t upload the example file it always failed.
There is another way to upload it somewhere else?
Hi bls, file uploading in tracker work only with drag and drop.
Other good place is http://www.pasteall.org/blend/
Cheers, mib
Ok I uploaded to pasteall.org because the file was a bit big. Here is the link : http://www.pasteall.org/blend/33811
Don’t know if I have to uploaded somewhere else.
Hi bls, can you post the link from the bug tracker?
I cant find it.
Cheers, mib
i was reporting that bug tooo the problem is with Nvidia optimus… and this bug is since 2.70
2.73a available.
Still waiting for the b revision.
Anyone notice that soft cuts are broken in the VSE? It used to be pressing k would do a soft cut to the selected strip, while shift+k would do a hard cut. Now both do hard cuts. Also, grabbing and dragging the handles of a strip used to behave like performing a soft cut at the location where you’ve moved the handle to, now it doesn’t.
I don’t know if that’s my system that’s at fault, but I am unable to use CUDA on my GTX570.
2.73 and 2.73a keep crashing, even on the default cube/scene.
I run Win 7 64
2.72b works fine.
I’ll come back to tell you what the exact message is.
it says:
“CUDA error: Out of memory in cuLaunchKernel(cuPathTrace, xblocks, yblocks, 1, xthreads, ythreads, 1, 0, 0, args, 0)”
It’s not broken it just works differently. To avoid visual clutter the offsets are not drawn anymore. But if you use the new Slip Tool (S), you will see that a soft cut is still a soft cut. Also, in the View menu you can enable “Show Offset” if you prefer the old behavior.
Thanks for this great new version! But I noticed one thing: Now the connectors in node editor are straight lines. Before (in 2.72 - linux) they were curved. Is there a chance to get the curved ones back? I know thats a really minor thing but I kinda liked the way I could arrange things and still not cover lines.
I had a similar problem with linux. Suddenly my card was not supporting cuda too. (although I was just changing blender versions)
I had to install the CUDA develper package to get it working again. Really strange. (cuda_6.5.14_linux_64.run) But I did not get an error message. My card was just not listed.
By default (load factory settings) they are still curved.
Change the ‘Noodle Curving’ value in User Preferences / Themes
Perfect. Thanks a lot!
Be sure your Feature Set is on Supported and not Experimental, in the Render panel.
maybe a bit off topic, but is it possible (some workaround) to draw on surface with the greace pencile?
Yes, in the Grease Pencil settings pane (press N-key) choose Surface.
@William thank for answer,
but since the new greace pencil improvments their is no surface selection.
Noticed that you can’t use color in lights with point or spot lights. Is this a bug or feature? The new free hand knife is nice. Edit: the version is 2.73a.