Blender 2.76b won't start in Windows 7 64

Hi, and my thanks for any help anyone can give.

I have been using Blender and loving it for about a year now in Windows 7 64, but my motherboard suffered a fatal accident

I have changed my system over to a new hard drive and motherboard. Today I installed the latest Blender, but it won’t start. All I get is a flash of the CMD black screen, then nothing. I have tried running as admin, and un-installing and re-installing, but no joy.

I’m using Windows 7 Premium 64
My graphic card is a PowerColor AX5770-1GBD5-H Radeon HD5770 1GB GDDR5(V3)
My new motherboard is a MSI Gaming 3 Z97

I’m stumped. :frowning:

Ensure you have

If Blender reports an error on startup, please install the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package. Click here.

HI, Richard, thank you for your reply!

OK, I have the package. There are three parts, vcrdist_86, vcrdist_64, and vcrdist_arm. The first two installed successfully, but I get an error from vcrdist_arm stating “…vcrdist_arm is not a valid Win32 application.” I’ve downloaded it three times and run it as admin, but it still won’t work, and Blender still won’t open…

I am at a loss. I am so sorry to bump this, but I still can’t get Blender to work, and I don’t know who else to turn to? Please, is there anyone who can help me figure this out?

SOLVED! Well, in a way- I installed Blender’s 32bit version instead of 64bit and it works fine. Now I can finally get to work!