Blender 2.77 history error?

Hi guys.
So I just wanted to make this thread because of an error I have stumbled across.
Today morning (Europe time) I opened blendernation and saw a post about the blender 2.77 released.
I quickly went to and downloaded the version.
I messed around with it but didn’t notice anything then, cuz I was just kinda setting the theme and things like that.
So later this afternoon I started messing around with blender again, and moved around some things.
As I moved one object to a wrong place, I did what I normally would do, and so would other people, press CTRL Z.
But nothing happened. I was like what the brick and tried to undo the thing manually. I clicked undo but nothing happened.
I clicked redo and history, but nothing happened on those attempts as well.
I remembered that I had use CTRL Z before that day as I sculpted something, and it had worked fine.
So I tried to undo and redo in sculpt- and editmode. In both the history undo and redo worked like in previous version,
and it showed the history as I pressed history. So I started thinking. Why was it not working on objectmode?
Is it an glitch or is something wrong? So I decided to turn to the blender community and create post this.
If u have downloaded the 2.77 official release, please answer and tell me if you have gotten similar glitches or do you think it’s just me and my computer.

Cheers - Erk Blender

CTRL-Z works fine for me in object mode, “Global Undo” is activated in the preferences.

works for me well Ctrl Z

works for me well Ctrl Z.

Thanks bb3d! Now as I enabled it, I can now use CTRL Z. :slight_smile:

I have now an other error.
As I enable the global undo in user preferences and save the user settings, as I do something like retopology and come out of editmode,
I suddenly notice that the global undo is disabled again. Anyone know why? :confused:

I have the same problem. Restarting fixes it for a while. But by then you either saved the mistake or discarded everything unsaved.