My name is Guus and this is my first topic on this forum site. I’m from Holland and 3D Artist.
Since a few weeks I use Blender 2.79 for my work.
I have a question about my NVidia Quadro K4200 Graphics Card in combination with Blender 2.79
The current driver of this card is version 391.89. When I open Blender and go to “preferences” and
then to “system” I don’t see my card ore any other CUDA device mentioned.
I tried also some other (older and newer) drivers but this does noet solve the problem.
Who knows what tot do ?
Best regards,
PS. I hope I posted this topic in the right directory !
Are you using 2.79b or the latest 2.79 master build?
Is this the only graphics card in your system, or does it have CPU-integrated Intel graphics, or another graphics card? If you right click the Blender program is there a “Run with Graphics Processor >” option? If so, you might see if it’s defaulting to Intel instead of Nvidia.
I can’t really think of a reason offhand why it wouldn’t just work with that hardware combination in most cases.
So this is a system problem not a Blender problem it looks like. If you can get CUDA-Z to work then Blender will probably start seeing it as well.
There have been various drivers over time that have caused this problem, but I see you’ve tried a bunch of them so just the driver version doesn’t seem like it ought to be the problem.
You’re installing the Quadro drivers correct, not the GeForce drivers? Like: