I noticed in 2.8 it does automatic ortho view with 7, 1, and 3 on the num pad. But if I start to orbit the object again it goes right back to anamorphic.
Anyone else have this problem?
Up until a couple of days ago there used to be a setting in the User Preferences ‘Auto Perspective’
Can’t find it as of today LOL. Things have been changing a lot in the User Preferences window. Give it a couple of days to settle down.
Found it:
That worked thanks. BTW, on my version of blender it was the first image you posted not the second. I appreciate it.
I have a feeling you might be a fresh blender refugee
Thought I’d add this as well.
One of the good things about blender is that we get to use daily updates, with squashed bugs and all the new toys. These are official daily buildbot versions
Sorry for the late reply been busy on this new blender stuff. But if by refugee you mean a noob, no I’ve been using blender years now. But more as a hobbyist. Stuff like max and maya are nice but way too expensive. Blender can do all that for free. Thanks for the link I’ll definitely be using it