Hi guys, I added a new feature to my free Fast Carve addon so that you can add beveled curves now with 2 clicks which are aligned to the hit objects in the viewport - have fun.
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Thanks for this tutorial!
I have notice that you are really good at coding. I want to do a tiny script to close a curve. How would I go about to do it.
- user select a ‘curve’ in object mode
- run the script it will ‘Auto Close the Curve’
. I want to select both end point of the ‘selected curve’ is it possible to select it without manually
select the end points?
import bpy
(this is the step I am missing) (I can do a select all, but how would you just want to select both end points only)
Please see images below
to set it to cyclic can be done like this
context.object.data.splines[0].use_cyclic_u = True
But I think that’s not what you want. You want to connect the start and end point, right?
I think selecting is something like this
curve = context.object.data.splines[0]
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
# check the API here, perhaps it is something like select_set(True)
curve.points[0].select = True
# and the last something like this
curve.points[-1].select = True
Thank you for your quick respond. I will test it out.