Blender 2.8 development thread

In a vain attempt to distract from the perpetual squabbling, can anyone tell me why Buildbot hasn’t updated in the past four days?


They just moved stuff from the old Blender Institute. Maybe they haven’t got the build machines set back up in the new place yet. That’s just a guess, I haven’t heard any reason given.

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Of course. That makes perfect sense. That really should have occurred to me because I’ve been watching the content that the Blender institute puts out.

I have downloaded now a new version, amazing progress…

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The new and improved workbench shadows are looking pretty nice:

No terminator artifact, and fairly robust in my initial testing. there are some glitches and artifacts from time to time, but for a working environment, it’s certainly serviceable.

I am curious how it would hold up in larger archivis projects. right now, with 12 suzannes, 3 levels of subdivision, totalling about .75 million triangles, the fps drops from a solid 60 to ~38-42 when I enable shadows. I’m sure there will be more optimization, but it’s certainly working for now.


I am so much looking forward to a wiremesh display type :wink:

Really like where 2.8 goes.

I don’t know if it is the same technique but in SketchUp when working on large scenes the shadows are disabled when moving the camera or objects etc. Then it always takes a second when they need to be shown again.

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And loopcut could also be improved ,it should display the loopcut without clicking on edge first.

if you know what i mean

The problem is devs are against any kind of preselection tool or option to preselections. The have rejected some patches that add any preselection to Blender in the past, so probably it will never happen. or at best, not in the near future.

The knife tool uses selection highlighting. Why are they against it? Seems like it could be an option under user preferences for people who don’t like it.

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I could be wrong, but I think the argument against preselection was potential performance issues.

Ton gave me this response for preselection highlighting several years ago.

Can’t the pre-selection highlighting just operate by default with no need for a special mode or operator?

I can see this type of thing working without having to make operators a method of two or more steps like he suggests is the way things are done in Maya. (for instance hold down the key combo for loop select and loops will just highlight wherever the mouse is, even if you don’t do anything).

Well, I’ve never used Maya, so I don’t really have a clue what he was talking about.

I just know that like 90% of my undos are from fighting with the annoying toggle selection. Other things, like select shortest path are a guessing game which path they’ll take. If that’s better than Maya, I guess I’m glad I don’t use Maya.


I guess I do…


I’m waiting for this since forever… :frowning: (unless you meant something else)


I can see the value of this if the preview actually showed any distortion that would occur based on the positioning of the loop. Otherwise it’s not of much value in my opinion. Does it really make much difference if one is to preview the “slide” position before or after the input is made?

I guess it is useful if your trying to build exact topology, across disconnected part of a mesh.
if you want to connect two side with clean topology , you need the two side to match

Those 2 reasons don’t have much weight against having pre-selection highlighting, but I feel like he’s talking about something else.
Modo, Houdini, Maya all have it. And they perform fine, so performance issue should be solvable in Blender, too.

We already have pre-selection highlighting with the loop “centered” What’s missing?

I don’t understand what you guys mean either. You press ctrl + r to get the loopcut tool, and it automatically shows you the potential loop cuts in purple. You only click when you want to place the cut.