I want to export materials created with the Principled BSDF using Eevee in Blender 2.8.
So far, I have had success exporting materials (experimenting with colour/roughness) using the built in .gltf exporter.
However, when I attach an image texture/normal map node the .gltf export no longer works (i.e. it doesn’t show up in a .gltf viewer). An example of a material which won’t export is shown in the attached image.
Please, could someone explain to me if :
a ) it is possible to use/export image textures using a Principled BSDF in Eevee 2.8 and if so,
b) how do I go about doing this
It’s possible normal maps using Principled BSDF. Which .gltf viewer are you using? Your upload failed by the way, try again. Consider sharing packed .blender file, so we can test.
It didn’t packed correctly but your setup looks fine. Here is a working file: test_gltf.blend (2.9 MB)
And again I’m asking, which .gltf viewer are you using? It might be the source of problem and not Blender or exporter.
By the way there is no built-in glTF exporter as far as I know. Make sure to use this addon: glTF-Blender-IO
glTF works for both of them. You just need to select all your files (material, .bin and .gltf) and drag there.
.glb is a packed version that includes textures and bin within the file, that’s why it works probably.
That’s my bad. You should connect UV from texture coordinates node and select flat at image texture node. Then scale the UV map as you needed. This way it should appear same in all applications.
That did the trick. It is possible to bundle materials into a .gltf file however on this occasion, it just doesn’t seem to work. Anyhow, a .glb file is a good solution and works for my purposes Thanks filibis