Blender 2.8 is now fully usable with left-click object selection

Lol if they’re gonna make left click select default, they need to apply that to the timeline too. Why would I want to adjust the timeline with the right mouse button when everything else is left?


I’ve avoided replying on this thread but have been following closely. I do appreciate that left-click fully works now.
I never understood why the two groups are so hostile. It’s a tad confusing switching between programs and I know personally that I spent quite a bit of time trying to use right-click select in Maya and wondering why it wasn’t working. So I celebrate that left-click select works now but hope that the documentation will evaluate the difference in work flow that arise from left and right-click.
There is a difference and a substantial one. It would truly be a shame if somebody never tried both ways. I tried left-click, found it too buggy at the time, so sticked with right. Now I’ve developed joint issues and the right-click workflow lets me continue to Blender. In Maya, I ended up with extreme pain after a couple of hours. The ergonomic considerations are real despite the vocal doubters.
I do use a tablet for sculpting and definitely will be trying left-click for it. The button pressing on the pen is unfortunately not ergonomic despite a pen being better for the joints. The easy change on the splash screen means it’s easy to change on start up.
For a pen tablet, I’m probably going to explore the alt/Maya viewport navigation style as I detest clicking the buttons.
In the end, this is a positive development and I will try left-click in 2.8 before deciding if I should continue to recommended right-click for 3D newbies.

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In those old discussions, you must have received many odious responses of the type: Blender is free, developers are not your employees, develop the feature by yourself…
So I think about it and I am with you.
Unfortunately I am reading in the forum the same kind of odious answers now for artists who criticize something in 2.8, instead of just letting people express themselves.


Just noticed that with left click select you lose the ability to set the 3d cursor as you can with right click. Instead you get a pop up menu… that is today’s build. Hash 27cccaeccd2…

Shift + Right Click…

awesome… thanks

Well I don’t see anything great here, for me it’s looking just as an ugly compromise, ugly way to transfer the developing problems to end users. That is, if there is toolbar, then it should display Grab Tool and selections separately, without need to go into these small popups. Now, is it the Grab Tool internally a selection or move tool, I don’t care.
So, old story again, I’ll just forget Blender until final release, then I’ll see to which level is possible to override the defaults, most likely to do not display this toolbar thing at all - for now it’s just unusable. Or, I’d just switch back to right-click select, will see.

Sorry people,

LMB Daily build:

it seem I can’t grab move vertices in edit mode of any object.

What i am doing wrong ?

Left Click and Tweak Left (drag) are used for new active tools.
If you want to left click and drag to select and move something but not by using new Select tool; you have to remap shorcuts for all active tools.
Preferences -> Input -> 3D View -> Object Mode -> 3D View Tool…
Preferences -> Input -> 3D View -> Mesh -> 3D View Tool…
Preferences -> Input -> 3D View -> Curve -> 3D View Tool…

That corresponds to hundreds of shortcuts to modify.
A global left/right switch for active tools would be welcomed for 2.7x users who want select with left click.

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Hi. I’m not sure if you are referring to this:
or this:
or, I do not know if there is a problem in buildbot builds.

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I don’t really know the technical details behind it, but after some testing I don’t think selection should be considered a “tool”, specially not if its going to be separated into selection and box selection as 2 different things.

For left click selection, -and assuming the idea is to behave more like other programs- it should work like this (when not using shortcuts):

  • Single click on an object (or component in edit mode) should select.
  • Single click + drag on an object (or component in edit mode) should tweak.
  • Single click on empty space should deselect. Alt+A or AA should still be usable when there’s not empty space on the viewport.
  • Single click + drag on empty space should activate box select. B should still be usable when there’s not empty space on the viewport.
    Now, these behaviour should be exactly the same when any other tool is active, instead of changing from move tool to box select tool and then go back to move tool. The same applies with bevel, extrude, rotate, scale, etc.

If I leave the box select tool active and use just the shortcuts for the other tools (just like in 2.79) there’s no problem at all, and I can work exactly the same as before. But for new users, which will be surely using the toolbar before they learn the shortcuts it can get very annoying to be switching between selection tools and other tools all the time.


Some of them might now have egg on their face, as it was Campbell and Brecht who did most of the work to create a fully fledged LMB workflow with Brecht making it default.

Apparently you can no longer say for sure that having X in Blender is never going to happen. Now who wants to start the colored wireframe discussion back up? :laughing: :boom:


Thx !

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Huh, so if you turn on wireframe and use workbench with random object colors, does that make it already there?

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Whoa! Random coloured wireframes would be a bomb! Missa want dissa!

Exactly my thoughts, when new users realize that selection is a tool and not a default behavior of the LMB click, they’re going to get frustrated.

Selection should not be a tool IMO.

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Selection are tools everywhere.

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That discussion is for a different thread though, did you think I was serious about starting it up here with the emoji choice?

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I am a little bit baffled by all the people who use LMB and still miss the grab’n’drag.

I’d really like some of you to give this a shot. Really try it out, before dismissing it. Because for me, the plain select in 2.8, seems to give me 2.79 grab’n’drag. I can still select my edge loops too, alt + lmb edge loop, ctrl + alt + lmb edge ring, shift to add. It all seems to work.

So, for clarity once again, 2.8 now defaults to box select as the select mode.

There is a plain select mode under the select tool which is essentially 2.79 lmb.

You can choose that by either going to the tools panel and opening the fly over, or you can press w in succession to cycle through all the modes.

Once you have this selected, this will be your default. In other words, you can still press B for box or C for paint but when “exiting” that mode through rmb you will go back to plain select.

So you can hide the tool panel if you wish and work with shortcuts alone as you did under 2.79


With box select being the default this may mean that you have to set select to “plain” for the different modes. For example if I set select mode to plain in object mode and go to edit mode, it will show box select again.

Just switch it one time to plain select while in edit mode and you are set. From now on, when you enter edit mode it will still be in plain select.


In addendum Brecht is also considering adding an option to allow the user to set a default select mode. So instead of it defaulting to box select you will be able to choose plain select if you prefer. This sounds like a great idea to me and would really polish this off. :slight_smile:

I’m aware of this, with plain select and the use of shortcuts everything behaves just like 2.79 (plus we have the RMB for context menu).

My complain is about box select being a separate tool, specially for people that will choose left click selection and will use the toolbar without knowing any shortcut. With LMB selection, any new user would expect to have box selection as part or the normal selection behaviour of the program, not in a separate tool. Experienced users know that just hitting B will activate box selection, but that’s not a common behaviour in other programs (2D or 3D).

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