Blender 2.8 LANPR [GSoC 2018]

Wow - this project is amazing! I’ve been following it for a little while now. Some promising results!

So I’ve written somethings that are currently in my mind for LANPR future developments on blenderwiki.
Feel free to check it out!


I agree about the UI.
You probably can split things that are not specific to a mode to another panel, even though each mode will not consider these settings the same way.
There is a View Layer Tab at your disposal and you could consider adding an NPR viewport display.

Snake gives good results on my dyntopo test blobs with thick lines. DPIX or software have difficulties with thick lines on an organic shape. Chaining is not smooth, currently.
I don’t know if smooth contour modifier could help with that or if snake based on fills rather than liines will give a better result.
The only way to know is to test them.
But ideally, it would be good to end up with a solution for thick contours and creases for organic shapes.

That’s a great list of todos. I am probably not the only one who wish to see a GSOC about LANPR, next year.:+1:


Very interesting!! b;)Glad you still manage to find time to thinker with this great project. Im still using it a lot in my tests but for me to be production ready i feel intersections/self-intersections should be more robust/precise…gaps and dissconnects are still appearing here and there in intersections in both Dpix and Software mode.Also about Pencil+ perspective deform ;its not coming from the renderer :wink: its a mesh deformer ,the video makes it feel like its coming from the renderer but its really just a mesh deformation.similar effect can already be acheived in Blender using a Lattice or on animation by converting animation to shapekeys and even using the sculpting tools then becomes possible.

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Im having issues with the latest build from the git repository.If I load an old file erverything is ok but if I start a new file a lot of components from Lanpr are mssing (ex:layers and thickness are mssing from UI) .

There are some problem around icon value. Edit bin/2.80/scripts/startup/bl_ui/, line 658 icon=“ZOOMIN” to icon=“PLUS”.

col.operator(“scene.lanpr_auto_create_line_layer”, text = “Default”, icon = “ZOOMIN”)

col.operator(“scene.lanpr_auto_create_line_layer”, text = “Default”, icon = “PLUS”)

On my side using latest build will instantly crash Blender when either trying to calculate feature lines or pressing f12 in both Software and dpix mode. :frowning:

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same here, is there any workaround for that ?
btw great build, thanks for this amazing tool, looking forward to use it :wink:

Set use_smooth_contour_modifier_contour to 0 at line 56 in lanpr_ops.c.

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thanx,that did it :slight_smile:

Hello all

So I’m not an expert but I began playing with lines modifiers in Freestyle and much appreciated the fact you could use multiple strokes, could use beziers so that lines are not too straight, could have line thickness be influenced by the proximity with another object. In short, everything that let me compose something looking like brush strokes in a Chinese painting. And of course I dislike the fact that freestyle doesn’t work in Eevee and that lines flicker. Also, beziers can either work or produce random lines that cross your screen and spoil the whole scene.
In any case I find this work really interesting and promising.

I’m going to be back at LANPR!

Updated an important function: automatically composite with existing rendering from other engines like eevee and cycles. :slight_smile:


Are you gonna be part time developer chosen by Blender Foundation or do you just want to finish this amazing project?

Do you have any timeline of getting LANPR into master? Now that 2.8 is getting polished features for 2.8x can get ready.

So will there be one scene where it’s rendered in EEVEE and one where it’s LANPR? I had tried that method doing the compositing manually but for whatever reason I couldn’t make it work, so I’m looking forward to this.

@cgslav probably not yet :slight_smile: but I can continue the project during vacations.

@cdog there are a lot of code still not quite optimized for blender’s standard. But eventually it will.

@captainkirk LANPR scene is created automatically with linked objects, users don’t have to worry about the details. Not the feature is just overlay LANPR layer onto everything you rendered in your own scene.


@xp8110 I love NPR and line work is essential to the Blender output I’m working on. I am disappointed that development of Freestyle seems to have languished. If it motivates you to keep on hacking, I will happily ply you with food and drink next time you are in Nanjing! Message me on this board if you’re ever in town…

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LANPR scene is created automatically with linked objects, users don’t have to worry about the details. Not the feature is just overlay LANPR layer onto everything you rendered in your own scene.

Nice that sounds better than the idea I’d had which was to render out the scene in EEVEE, then render it in LANPR and combine those two rendered sequences in editing, which would obviously be a ridiculous step.

Any hints as to when builds will be available?

@cgslav Alright, thanks!

@captainkirk Build is available in BlenderCN’s QQ group, I’ll upload to Onedrive for download soon.

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With the insection fix it looks really stellar.I only tried software mode but its really robust imo.Still really fast too.:slight_smile: