Blender 2.8 not responding between frames when rendering

Trying to render an animation here on EEVEE and render time in eevee is getting higher because between each frame blender stops responding and comeback after a while… it increase render time… What might be the cause?
I am rendering with gpu and cpu.

I have tried to decrease particle numbers for hair, and tried to remove reflection probe and so on… decreased number of bounces for probes, decreased cubemap size. But rendering time does not decrease… Stays the same… or even increases… I have tried using 64 samples, 32 and 16, and at times 32 samples take more time to render…(talking about the same frame)…

Render time was one minute, after decreasing some settings it got to 3 minutes.

i7 4790k
16gb RAM 1866mhz
GTX 970 g1 gaming

I’m not very familiar with EEVEE, but I have tried this online render farm called blendergrid! It’s so cool! My experience with them has been wonderful! They render stuff at a pretty cheap price too, especially if you change the time that you want your project to be rendered in.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the long link! (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

It is my understanding that Eevee is not yet fully “multi-threaded.” This could produce the “not responding” behavior.

As you probably know, programs in a GUI environment receive “messages” and are expected to timely respond to them. (If not, you get these errors.) Most programs handle this by splitting themselves into “threads,” one of which remains to handle the messages, pre-empting the others as necessary in order to respond immediately, while the other threads ignore messaging completely and do the actual time-consuming heavy lifting. I’m sure that this will have been completed by beta’s end, but in the short run it adds complexity that they might have reasonably decided to postpone.

Do you have Subdivision Surface modifiers that need to be recomputed between frames due to deformations/armatures etc.? Currently 2.80 subdiv modifiers are super slow.

Does your animation play at a reasonable speed if you just play the timeline in the workspace, or is it just as slow for each frame as those delays between frames while rendering?

Animating is kind of complicated in 2.8… I am having to isolate characters from set in another file, and joining them together before rendering. Tried hiding collections, but does not help a lot. I am using multires, but not with preview subdivision enabled. I am using a 4790k.16gb ram. GTx 970… Thinking of upgrading to see if that’s the problem. But animating is kind of slow … it’s not real time as it was in 2.79.(24fps in viewport, in solid mode). In eevee. I am having 6 fps in solid mode. And 14 fps in solid mode with characters isolated from set in a different file.

It’s kind of complicated to preview timing when viewport is slow.