Blender 2.8 UV sculpt need assistance

Hi guy’s,

Since i decide to drop rizom i want to find a way to fix distortion on my model in blender so my first stop was trying the UV sculpt mode but i found it clunky and i don’t see the brush option in n panel!

On a 20,000 faces mesh it struggle and lag to the point that it is unusable and i am on a 4.4 mgz quadcore with 16 GB ram and nvidia 2060 so i don’t know if it is related to poor blender performance in edit mode again or something else i don’t know yet.

I have already tried the relax tool in UV tool but this is useless.

I am trying to remove stretch in this area of my model ;

OK i finally got the panel to show up after a re start of blender but this is not working well and i thought that hiding the rest of the mesh was going to make it easier but not at all still lagging like hell!

I tried the minimize stretch and this is what i got here and i think it should be call maximize stretch instead! :sweat_smile:

Also about the blender manual typing the exact same title of the UV sculpting page in search yield no results and i have many other that do the same thing so you have to manually dig in the not so friendly list.