I tried using batch renaming (Ctrl F2) in 2.81a and kinda failed to achieve what I need
What I have is bunch of objects named A_Blah.000, A_Blah.001, etc. I need either to remove “.” there to make them A_Blah000, A_Blah001 and then I can add suffix _LOD0 to all of them.
Or I need to turn them into A_Blah01_LOD0, A_Blah02_LOD0, A_Blah03_LOD0… (this route is preferable)
I don’t understand how this is difficult to achieve with the rename tool. You’ve described exactly what you need to do.
Use ‘Find/Replace’ mode to remove the period. The replace field can be left empty to delete the found characters.
Then use ‘Set Name’ with the ‘Suffix’ method to add _LOD0 to the end of each item.