Blender 2.8C No mirror

Well It’s a damn fine release. (Even though I’m using windows to test)
It’s what I’ve been waiting for…for a good 2 years now.(patients)
I don’t know wether the renderer has been tweaked a bit but all renders seem a little more antialiased like the old 3D studio (I like)

The reflection trick is a nice one with Env maps being calculated for you
Problem is I cant seem to get the right size reflection on a simple plane.
Anything Curvy will be harder to notice but with a flat object; you’d expect to see a mirrored image.
Making 2 speres reflect each other seems to be a doddle.
Assigning 2 separate env textures to each one
I’ve checked the mapping buttons respective of what object I have eg sphere for Sphere, plane for plane. Mabey someone has a simple answer for this one problem.

Did you place the Empty correctly for the envmap’s point of view? When doing planar reflection, you cannot use the center of the object like you’d do with a sphere.


where can i dl the 2.28c version for os x? here on theboard only 2.28a is listed!


maybe have an eye on the developers site now and then :wink: ?


it is Not 2.8c , not released yet, but it is 2.28c , just point it out :smiley: !

It’s funny, everyone is like as if the envmapping feature was NEW in 2.28c.

Guys, Blender always had environment mapping! It’s just that a tiny change has taken place, and now that this tiny change has been announced, everyone slowly seems to be STARTING to notice that there IS environment mapping.

Funny :slight_smile:

Env mapping has been around for ages but Blender does the hard work for you now, with curvy stuff so a reflection actually looks believable now. It’s a shame it can’t do the same with planes. Ho hum

Well, concerning the ‘hard work’, situations where envmapped objects face each other are not THAT frequent, either :slight_smile:

anyway, it will end up doing more hard work for you in the next version

/me high fives intrr



LOL :smiley: