Blender 4.1 Extrude hair on curve

May I ask, how to extrude a curve along a path curve to make hair in Blender 4.1?

  1. Blender 4.1 appears to be different from prior versions.
  2. When I assign the “Circle” to the “Path Curve” with the eye dropper, nothing happens.
  3. I should be able to create a circle extrusion along the path to create hair geometry. Like this:

No its still like that. Should work.
Did you accidently create a mesh circle?


Just adding on to what @Debuk said: It’s possible you may have created a mesh circle instead of a curve circle.

Mesh menu:

Curve menu:

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Arg! That is it. I created the wrong Circle. :upside_down_face:
I accidently created a circle mesh. I should have created a Curve Circle.

Thank you, Debuk. Thank you, Dawn Films.