Blender 4.1 - How to retarget animation from Empty Object to a Rig

I am trying to retarget animation from Empty Object to a Rig in Blender 4.1,

I tried Rococo and ReAnim addons - but they don’t even see the Empty Object as a source.
Here is the screen-shot:

So to transfer animation from root to rig

Total beginner here - much love and thanks in advance

Hi, there is this conversion from empty objects to bones:

Thank you for quick reply - I am looking for a free solution as I am doing this as a hobby.

Want to try before? Here is a free version:

I tried to install this add-on, it don’t give any error but it don’t get installed either.
Maybe it’s for some lower versions of Blender, I have 4.1 version

Sorry, i don’t know of any other options available.

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And I managed to install it (it says clearly to install just the .py file, not the whole zip)
As stated in documentation, I selected Emptie > Tools > Create Armature
but it creates armature with just 1 bone

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I never used it so no idea if it works. i presume you have selected all the empties?
You need to search if there are other addons out there.

yes, here is the ss:

and I get this new armature with 1 main bone and 3 nested bones

And of course just the main bone shows as a source for retargeting

Try opening the Data bone collection to see if it is hidden?

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there is Bones in there:

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This thread deal with the same problem:
There is a contact to the creator email in this article.