Blender 4.2 crashing

Every time I try to do a real time render in Blender 4.2, it crashes. This never happened with previous versions. What could be the problem?

Check the notes on and make sure your system is fully compatible.

Disable all add-ons and make sure it’s not that.

If all else fails, file a bug report. 4.2 is a brand new version, and there are problems to be expected.

Everthing you didn’t mention about your system. :person_shrugging:

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

As mentioned and in general : for every software update/new version release there are change notes…

See also Docs-Blender Manual: Troubleshooting → Crash …
Especially this part:

See Launching from the Command Line and Command Line Arguments.

For getting more info about your crashes.

My processor is an AMD FX-8800P Radeon R7 and I have 16 gb of ram.

I disabled all add-ons and Blender still crashed when I tried to do viewport render.

AMD seems to have a little problem with the driver. :thinking:
A recent example was a problem after updating the GPU’s latest graphics driver, and the problem was resolved after installing the previous graphics driver.

Of course, this is not the same condition, and it may not be the same problem.

Alternatively, try running the blender using the command promport.
Even if a collision occurs, if there is an error message, it can be checked.

I tried using the Command Prompt and I get this.

‘C:Program’ is not recognized as an external or external command, operable program or batch file.

Hi @Bennell. :wave:
To know why Blender crashes (the exact error), I advise you to run Blender in command line. Follow these steps:

The path in windows may start like so C:\Program Files\ or whatever language the program files folder is called in your installation ? Also whereever it is located at all… X:\I like to have\My Applications here\ ?? And that’s also different on a non-windows system…

It’s a decade old CPU in a laptop trying to run the latest version of Blender, using in this case I assume Eevee (which is of course Eevee Next and hence totally different compared to previous versions.

I think the fact that Blender runs at all is somewhat of an achievement.

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There was an error when I ran Blender in Command Prompt. “Error: Internal compile error, error code: E_SC_NOTSUPPORTED”.

What is E_SC?

If you google it, one of the first results is this:

Caused by AMD drivers. There is a workaround in there, but you would need to compile Blender on your own as far as I can see.

I’ve updated my AMD driver and Blender doesn’t crash when I do a viewport render anymore!