Trying to get a blender file to work in Director. I can place the Blender activeX control onto teh Director Stage, but it wants me to link to a file in a URL and not as a file. I’ve tried using ‘file://myfile.blend’ but it doesn’t work either.
Any way around this. Is there a better way to get files into Director? Can Blender save as AVI, for example?
Sure, Blender can save AVIs. It will not have the interactivity a .Blend can have, thou.
To save an AVI, configure the render buttons (F10) and press the Anim button.
adding to this, i’d really like to know wether it is possible to be able to have a realtime blend inside director mx and wether or not the blend file can send lingo to director via messages or whatever.
Thanks guys. I have to say how impressed I am with this software. Are there any limitations for commercial use?
I have managed to export as AVI. Now all I have to do is get an realistic rendering of the Earth… (any help here very much appreciated).
I would like to get an ‘interactive’ model into Director though. Wonder if anyone has done this? I have noticed some Python scripts for importing mesh via the w3d file type, but has anyone managed to import shaded scenes?
I don’t have Director but I do have Flash MX. It imports an animation if you render it as a series of TARGA files. If you select “Premul”, “RGBA”, and render to TARGA with no “world”, you will get the animation with the alpha preserved (transparent background, and any material transparency). This is great for putting together Flash animations. I would assume that Director can do this too!
I have actually chosen to do AVI as it produces similar results to your suggestion.
I am still working on the ‘rotating earth’ animation (which must seem pretty mundane to most of you!) - can you put an animation of clouds as a layer over the earth land/sea map? I have a still picture with alpha, but I would like the clouds to move - like in speeded up satellite images.