The webpage is at
This time I’ve got a webpage. There isn’t much on there right now since I only started 3 hours ago, but it’s got a hell of a lot of links and a UV Mapping tutorial.
Any comments welcome, and yes, I know the UV mapping tutorial takes a while to load, but that’s because I’ve put a lot of pictures so newbies can follow me.
Also, sorry about the ads, it’s hosted on Tripod (grrrrrr).
And to you other people, no, we’re not the people you see in that Australian Simpsons episode! :o I know, amazing.
Oh yeah, and if you tried to jump in a kangaroo’s pouch, it’d probably take your face off with it’s claw.
lol yeah i’ve been saying that to every person i know thats no an aussie, they say “do you have dingo’s coming through your backyard” etc. i only seen 1 dingo in my life and thats at a wildlife park =). i also seen that episode of the simpsons many times, i just look and think “man…what the?”
On your website I can read that Blender is as good as Cinema 4D or 3DS Max? Well, dream on …
I wish, I’d have enough money to buy C4D. Did you ever played a little bit with C4D XL7?
I’ve used 3DS Max and didn’t find it to be that great. You can pretty much do the same stuff in blender (but the plugins for max are another story…and a ripoff) Max is alright but blender is much better for modelling in my opinion.
Sorry to those people who think this comment is offensive,
" All images made with Blender, Blender is a totally free 3D application and is as good as 3DS Max or Cinema 4D."
I’ve replaced it with
" Blender, a free 3D application, hosting great quality, better than some products costing thousands of dollars."
Hope that fixes that, didn’t mean to cause argument.
And to Dreamsgate, hope my tute helped you out. And if it did, I’m really happy :D. And please note any errors, as I did my whole site and tute in only a few hours…
okay did the tutorials, yours and the others I had stuffed into drawers. I can get a texture on a plane, but how do you get it on something not flat, more specifically a face, that happens to be connected to a head, neck, body etc.?
Will part 2 be coming soon? If I ask pretty please will it come really soon?
Your tutorial has some problems. If you want everyone to get your results you need to replace:
Done that? Great! K, select the plane again, and go into Edit Mode. Select all the vertexes (just press the A key) and subdivide it 2 times.
Once done, go out of Edit Mode and press F. The picture in the side window should now be gone, but don’t freak. While the whole plane right now should be white, go to it and press A key. You should notice that there are small squares where your old Matrix pic would have been.
Once done, go out of Edit Mode and press F. The picture in the side window should now be gone, but don’t freak. While the whole plane right now should be white, go to it and press Tab. Select all the vertexes (just press the A key) and subdivide it 2 times. Now go back to your UV window and find the button with a [-] on it and select Matrix.jpg. You should notice that there are small squares on your old Matrix pic.
Haha! I just quoted myself. Did I just refer to myself in the fourth person?
Sorry that was so long, but that’s the order that it should be in to get the whole image mapped first onto the plane instead of small image patches. Faceselect mode first, then editmode and subdivide. Good tutorial otherwise.
Why, I dont know, anyone would think a kangaroo is a cuddly animal, or every Aussi has seen a dingo, I dont know? A wild animal is a wild animal. I am sure a kangaroo could do some serious damage. Where I grew up in Northern California, I have seen a good many Mountain Lions, and Bob Cats, but since leaving CA. I have meet very few Americans who have seen those same animals in the wild. Just Please remember, not all Americans are that ignorant. Also, beyond that, I found your tutorial very helpful, thanx