Blender AMD GPU Rendering Problem

Hey guys!
Its my first thread here :stuck_out_tongue:
I got a problem with my AMD Graphic Card. When I render with gpu its looks weird.
The samples are like, i dont know how to describe it, streched.
I have a β€œR9 390x2”. Its like an 390x but basically with 2 Graphic Cards in one slot. I also got the latest driver β€œ16.3.1”.
By the way I come from germany, so sorry if there are any grammar or writing mistakes :slight_smile:


I have a Sapphire R9 390 8M Nitro, no problems with GPU rendering.

And I use the 15.12 driver. By the way, you can choose the number of cores under Rendering tab (usually set β€œAuto”). I don’t know if it works for GPU. Can you select just one card/core ?

I have the same problem
xfx r9 390x ,driver is 16.3.1 too.
Have you solved it ???

I can confirm that my R9 390 also has the same problem, but not that obvious though. Was working great before the latest update, so I will try to downgrade the driver and see if that helps.

EDIT - YES, it helped. Downgrade your AMD drivers and renders will be beautiful once again.

Hey,which version to downgrade to??
This is the latest version working, I use it now and it works.
Keep in mind that cleaning up after Crimson drver is PITA, be sure to uninstall it via control panel and then switch the driver in device manager to something older, so installer won’t spot new driver already in place.

driver issue.