Blender Analytical Geometry -*NEW*BAG 0.0.5

no thank you.

There are a lot of nice applications.
For example if you have an extrude script you can
do a lot of pseudo modern architecture.

Wee! Cool

Now, next step is to put up an online central of BAG XML files for sharing :wink:


This looks like an amazing tool, but unfortunately, I get this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 939, in bevent
       ComputeSurface <>
    File "", line 541, in ComputeSurface
       pc1 = re.sub(replacement , TSMValues [i].val,pc1)
 AttributeError: ' module' object has no attribute 'sub'   

I did read the included pdf…and it seems that it will not let me load the
included file either. Any ideas on this ?

Mmm, do you have a full orking Python installation?

Looks like you have problems in regular expressions (‘re’ keyword)


Yes. I ave a full working Python installation. I really dont have any trouble with any other scripts. and yet. this is one I would like to see the most %|

Are you using Blender 2.34, and do you have Python 2.23?


It works, for me, with Blender 2.34 & Python 2.3.3 :o

I’m on Win 2k and you?


Blender 2.34 & Python 2.3.3. Win XP Pro. I am able to run the interface. It doesnt load any of the demo files, but crashes. This is really frustrating me at this point :-? but…still looks like a cool script.