Blender and CNC machines

Can I model in Blender and export it to Solidworks then use the CNC machines to do the job, note that I am very not familiar with this process, that’s why my question sounds so casual, any help I would appreciate, thanks.

note that not everyone here are familuar with other less known software, so if you could explain what these things are then we might be able to assist you.

what is CNC machines and what is Solidworks.

i did some research, in blender, go to file and export, then note down all the export options. then go to solidworks and click on import, see if blender and solidworks has a common format. if so, try exporting it with that format from blender to solidworks.

i have no idea how to get it from solidworks to a CNC machine tho.

SolidWorks is not designed to work with meshes. The Pro and Premium versions have a Scanto3d option which can convert meshes to nurbs, but it tends not to work well in many cases.

Although its possible to work with nurbs in Blender, I don’t believe these can be exported as nurbs. If I am wrong here hopefully someone will point this out.

Some CNC machines can work with meshes. It depends on the type of product. In general, injection molded parts will require nurbs surfaces. Some foam or wood used in sculptural work can be cut on 3-axis routers using meshes.

What kind of object will be made?