Hello, I´m interested in start development in PytonQT GUI for a rig on Blender.
I don´t know how to implement the PyQT libraries into Blender, or to compile a PyQT Blender
to work towards that end.
Anyone has had any results linking PyQT and Blender?
Any guidelines on a URL to follow?
Actually, I made this just importing the PyQt module into Blender: sys.path.append("…/lib/python3.5/site-packages").
It was working but unfortunatly it wasn’t that stable.
Another solution is to use websocket to communicate between Blender and your app.
Are you sure that the Blender API can’t give you the possibility to do what you’re looking for? A lot of things are available and work smoothly in directly in Blender, even totally custom node trees, openGL overlay, etc. That’s more than enought in most of the cases.
I´ll recheck the api, but here (on PyQT) you already got buttons and sliders (something specific for task oriented on rigging) which are definetly not on the blender interface (parametrize a cube, please. Why just a UV sphere?)