Blender and PySonic

I’ve been trying to install PySonic and it wants to have versions 2.3 or 2.4 of Python, what version does Blender use?

Also, I get an error when installing it saying:

Could not create pySonic-py2.4
Cound not set key value Python 2.4 pySonic-0.8

Has anyone managed to get PySonic working in the latest version of Blender?

blender uses python 2.5, there is another sound system you might try in PyGame, i did some notes on it here:

BTW you can have more than 1 version of python on your system, it is just a pain in the ass for your audience to install more than one, is all.

actually there is an official blender 2.46 that uses python 2.4 for linux. it evidently is possible to build blender with python 2.4. if you make a 2.4 pthon build for your platform and save the game as an exe it should pack everything in. if you already use linux get the 2.4 python version and problem solved.

I would like to use Linux but I’m using the WiiYourself library which is Windows only.

Take the Python24.dll file that came with an earlier version of Blender and put it in the same folder as the game and PySonic dll. I haven’t tested it (as I am on Linux) but it should work.

PyGame is also nice for sounds, but I seem to remember liking PySonic’s audio quality better (it’s been over a year since I’ve used PySonic). However, there are licensing restrictions with the fmod sound system that PySonic uses, so make sure you’re aware of those (which you may already be).

I would like to use Linux but I’m using the WiiYourself library which is Windows only.

A bit off topic but:

Someone got the Wii Remote to work on linux. I seen a youtube video of it. I can’t remember where it was though.

I would like to use Linux but I’m using the WiiYourself library which is Windows only.

You might try WINE out, but it will be kinda buggy more than likely.

You might also try Qemu or VirtuaBox, if you got lots of ram.

It is a lot easier to just stay in windows though.

I’ve installed Blender 2.25 and it compes with a python20.dll, I’m assuming this is python 2.0 rather than 2.4. Do you know what version of blender has python 2.4?

2.42 and 2.43 i believe. i would try 2.43 first, the version “the esential blender” was based on.

OK I have pySonic importing, but when it does I get an error saying:

ImportError: Module use of python24.dll conflicts with this version of Python.

Does this mean that I can’t use multiple versions of Python at the same time?

it sounds like you have python 2.5 installed but not 2.4. it will default to the installed version if one is found. install python 2.4 then right click on the blender version you are useing, then select open with. then find pyton 2.4 and open it with 2.4. then it should work.
you can install different versions of python al long as it is a new level. you can install 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5… but if you instal sub levels like 2.41, 2.42, 2.43. … it will default to the latest 2.4 version.

your problem now is that blender is still opening with 2.5 by default and you’ll have to use the “open with” to override the default. normally i make sure the “always use” box is unchecked the first time i open a program overriding the default just in case.

If it right click on my blender.exe there is no open with as it’s just an application, do you mean right click my actualy .blend file?

why use PySonic while there’s PyGame ? , is the difference essential ?
thanks .

PyGames sound stuff isn’t (as far as I am aware) as powerful as FMOD and I already have experience with FMOD.