I was just wondering; I got a new pc with a free upgrade to vista premium when it ships. Does anyone know for sure if blender will work with vista well? I know Windows usually has strong backwards-compatibility, but I have heard of some programs not working very well at all.
i was part of the open beta for vista
blender works 100% with vista
BUT, and this is a huge BUT!
the blender Gui system, menues, windows, etc slow down to almost a crawl!
so if you were used to fly through stuff like me, this is like hitting a brick wall,
imagine a hawk (blender in xp), and a snail (blender menues in vista)
if you are like me, and prefere blenders performance,
join me and stick with xp and dont upgrade to vista (although u could dual-boot vista and xp)
One of Vista’s huge selling points WAS going to be a new filing system called WinFS but it got dropped so they could get it out the door. It was the only vast improvement over XP I could see, so I’ll be waiting to see if they patch that in later.
They already have a new OS in the works codenamed Vienna, and have hinted that WinFS might be in that instead of patched into Vista. So I’m also wondering if Vista is the new ME.
We’ll probably wait at least a little while after it’s shipped as things that support XP will be coming out for a good few years yet. If Blender doesn’t work well on Vista by then then I’m not sure.
i looked winfs up on wikipedia, but my understanding of winfs is still very hazy. what is winfs?
In a nutshell, it’s supposed to behave a bit like a database. Files are have multiple attributes and relationships to each other. SQLServer powers it.
Aside, this file system would include schema metadata that would explain how to interpret the data, supposedly to eliminate “the proliferation of proprietary formats”.
Go figure.
To tell you the truth, I dread the coming of WinFS. For one – and I don’t think I’m the only one – I smell sneaky product placement for SQLServer, just the way they did with IE. And considering that Windows Beast-ah already has steep resource requirements…
“Microsoft is advancing the file system into an integrated store for file data, relational data, and XML data. Windows users will have intuitive new ways to find, relate, and act on their information, regardless of what application creates the data. Also, “WinFS” will have built-in support for multi-master data synchronization across other Longhorn machines and other data sources.”
I won’t be getting Vista until I let OTHER people get fed to the lions first! I have a Core Duo processor and am a severe multi-tasker, so if it’s true that Vista is resource-hungry, I’ll pass… Slowing down a multi-tasker isn’t good. It’s like putting a hot dish in the freezer…it cracks!
I also use Blender every day, so slowing that down won’t help, either.
So, the moral of the story is…if I want my computer to look pretty, I’ll use a Vista skin with WindowBlinds!
very resource hungry…
i read that vista has poor support for opengl, instead microsoft are trying to push directx10 on people. i’m not a microsoft basher, i use XP, but there doesn’t seem to be a good reason to upgrade to vista. just looking at the adds on tv its seems to be a bit of cosmetic surgery.
Who needs a 3d desktop? if they advertised it with some real benefits to creative types then maybe it’d be worth it. personally i’m getting a bit sick of companies targeting people who havn’t a clue about computers. slightly off topic, but Dell would like us to believe you need a dual core pc to do such complicated tasks as downloading music and reading your email at the same time!:no:
anyone know of the real pro’s of vista?
What I’ve got now works fine! Why upgrade?
Yeah, just keep on filling Microsofts big a** with your money!
I like to see the negative reactions to Vista here in the thread
(as you would probably expect on a forum for open-source software like blender)
that is exactly the attitude of a large percentage of users of xp. i would have stuck with xp if this new computer didn’t have a free upgrade to vista.
the biggest improvement over xp, however is security.
I completely and totally agree with you! Although even XP was not perfect when it first came out, I work with the Media Center edition, which has rarely given me problems, and lets me get done what I need to get done.
What I see as another HUGE downfall of Vista is the fact that a separate graphics card is a requirement to run Aero…which seems to be the “heart” of this new OS. (Even if you have a Vista Capable PC, unless I am misunderstanding…) That, coupled with the price of Vista, itself, can get to be quite an investment, and I’m just not sure it’s worth it.
I’m not sure that this will be another ME, but I definitely see Microsoft making mistakes here that might alienate customers instead of bringing them onto the bandwagon… But, that’s what happens when you turn geeks into billionaires…
I’m of the same persuasion, basically. Which apparently is considered a sign of aging …
I use Linux for work & windows for games and than means a upgrade will be needed for DirectX10.
If you want to use blender in vista turning off the Aero (glass stuff) theme will stop it emulating OpenGL in DirectX & you’ll have (ruffly) the same performance as XP.
Absolutly Freakin NOT!!
:ba: BAD VISTA:ba:
The biggest problem that I have with Vista is that it is Soooooo paranoid. It took forever trying to figure out how to even enter the control panel.
Vista assumes that you’re an idiot and don’t know how to use a computer.
You try to go to the Control Panel and it says:
“You don’t really want to go here! There is important system stuff here” (duh) “Do you want to do this or that instead?”
Forget about accessing system files or hidden folders!
I am sticking with XP and letting Vista BURN!!!
P.S. only 60% of programs that worked in XP will work in Vista because of a new setup being used.
It’s expected that it will eventually be compatible with 90% of old programs. EVENTUALLY
I dread the day my old comp dies and Best Buy only sells Vista comps!
Well I recently heard Vista didn’t cause huge lines in front of stores like their Xbox 360 did.
And as I heard it’s mainly a souped up XP that swallows a ton of resources and has a fancy interface.
Is that a surprise?If you think about it, If Vista is the massive behemoth that it is, Computer companies like Dell, and Gateway will have to make thier computers bigger and better so that it will run Vista. This means that Windows can charge a fortune for Vista and get away with it.
Eventually, Vista will permeate the market and I’m out of luck.
“that swallows a ton of resources”
I’ve seen it work…It likes ram…for breakfast…
1 gig of ram? two? that’s nothing…
I guess most Windows graphic software/games will require it sooner or later, that’s the evil thing…