Am I the only one having blender & or XP crashes when using AO ?
Here is a simple file for which I get either a Blender crash and sometime even a Windows XP reboot during the rendering… :o
Thanks for your feedback
Am I the only one having blender & or XP crashes when using AO ?
Here is a simple file for which I get either a Blender crash and sometime even a Windows XP reboot during the rendering… :o
Thanks for your feedback
It didn’t crash for me… :
Blender 2.33a Intel-optimized
Windows XP Home
Intel Celeron 2.6 Ghz
512 MB RAM
Does it only crash when using AO? Try something else memory-consuming, like adding a lot of area-lamps. Please post your system specs too
Your operating system rebooting is a sign of either
A bug in your operating system
Faulty hardware
I just rendered a scene using ambient occlusion with the background image texture, and it worked fine. hope you figure out what the glitch is.
Have you tried rendering in the 3D window instead of in a seperate window ? (render buttons)
I kept getting restarts, but for some reason rendering in the 3D view seems to prevent this (thanks, Fligh % !)
Your Alien is stolen from Commander Keen
I have an AMX XP2000+, running Windows XP pro SP1, and 512meg of memory.
I was running blender 2.33 when I was getting the problem.
I upgraded to 2.33a and it seems the problem disappeared.
The PC crash happenned again.
I did a test on a complexe scene, with no AO that resulted in no crash after more than an hour for the rendering to complete.
Turning on the AO resulted in a PC freeze after less than 10 minutes of calculation with less than 10% of the rendering done.
This is quite strange.
Anybody having seen the problem ?
so your computer freezes?
if your computer ever reboots when doing something time (and memory) consuming, check your ram
my machine:
athlon XP 2000+
1Gbyte of ram
windoze xp sp1
ati radeon 9600se
turns out blender is only using about 5 500 kilobytes of ram (varies…) when rendering that
while doing other things (xp and blender multitask surprizingly well) it took a while to render, but it worked fine
blender 2.33a
OldLink, did you TRY rendering in the 3D view ? My problems were very similiar and seem to be solved by this.
intrr wrote :
Your Alien is stolen from Commander Keen
Actually it is stolen from an even older program called Cartoonies or something…
Thanks all for your advices.
I tested my memory and it seams clean.
Rhysy 2, I’d like to try to render in the 3D view : how do you do that ?
I know how to do an OpenGL render in the 3D view, but not the full render.
Thanks again.
Ok Rhysy 2, I found how.
To followup on that, I discovered I might have a power supply problem : -12v outputs -13.2v when intensive calculations are done, and -12.8v when idle… :-?
Would it be the cause of my troubles ?
Thanks for your comments.