Blender Animation 2.5D Paid

Hello everyone. Sorry for long post.
I am looking for some feedback/advice.

I am not looking for free work, I would just love to hear a few peoples opinions. I am at earliest stage of indie game, no external funding just passion.

It is a 2.5D game. 2.5D character can either use pixelart or low poly rigged blend to rendering static images. This is a lot less detail required than keeping 3D MMO characters.
I am starting game design and concept, am not blender expert. Would like to know effort expectation/reasonability test for asking for work. Example spec:

  • Existing blend (assume fully rigged) model (confirming a CC-0 or CC-BA license)
  • From model create fixed series of 8-direction animations (walk, run, throw, crouch, launch)).
  • Spritesheets are often smaller
  • There are blender scripts that will take a model and create the spritesheet (iso camera position and animations done)

I genuinely respect peoples time and seek reasonableness an any future request I make.
So my request is for either:

  • your opinion (please let me know a note your experience) of effort (cost or time) to create animations as per the above
  • from one existing CC-0/CC-BA model that is rigged, fixed price or what suggestion you feel is reasonable for trial making animation and render that will create one spritesheet to find out how long this will take.

I am at very early stage, too early to get worker-bees involved just looking for advice. If anyone doesn’t want to join an existing team but wants to be part of founding team including creative input on all areas then please let me know that too.
