Blender animation _ PAPER GREED intro

the Forgotten War of Sudan
fictional series intro inspired by the devastating war that is still going on Sudan

i used this project to practice on improving my story telling skills through motion as well as improving my animation works to the extend of film quality

i started this project last year and hade difficulty’s to finish it .

all made in blender 4.3 EEVEE
music composed by me

#blender4 #blender eevee #sudan #sudan_war #السودان #حرب_السودان


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


thank you so much . appreciated :slight_smile:

wow. shocking.

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Can you show us a little more? A wireframe to give us an idea of ​​what the geometries look like? I’m curious.

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thank you so much
sure . i will do that

ok here are some screen shots of the scenes

I have chosen well-known and historical areas for this scene, but in a miniature and simplified form.
i wanted every one who ever visited sudan to be able to Identify these areas

here we have a paper design mimicking the toyota Landcruiser that are widly used in wars

this is the bridge of the White Nile Bridge that cross from Omdurman city to the capital city Khartoum. it is a historical bridge that was brought by british colonialism 1924 and 1926

these are soviet era tanks

a segment of the bridge

The Republic Palace of sudan
it was build in in 1830
i only modeld the visible part of the palace

this is the scene of the animation
as you can see there is a part that i build and ended not using it
like Radio and Television Headquarters and Sudanese Parliament

i hope you like it .
ask any question of you like !

Unfortunatelly I have never been at Sudan but I think the plot i your short is very clear anyway. I have a question about topology, your objects have no thickness?

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yes its not a usual Tourists site . there were only a couple of thousand tourist a year

about the thickness . i didnt do it because i wanted to resemble a miniature design made out of paper !

Thanks for the info!

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your welcome my friend !