Blender Artists on Discourse turns two! 🎂

Hello friends!

It’s already been two years since we migrated Blender Artists to Discourse and I accepted the role of running this community.

Looking back at this last year I feel we have again made improvements in the ‘community culture’ - the sometimes dark mood that plagued the ‘old’ Blender Artists has disappeared and most conversations are constructive and supportive now. I think that’s a great compliment for everyone in our community, and especially our team of @moderators, who are doing an exceptional job to keep our boards ‘clean’ at often astonishing speed :clap:.

We also launched our official Instagram account about a year ago, and in that time we already reached 43k followers!

Right now we’re working on some new ideas, like a better Jobs marketplace, some category restructuring (reducing the amount of categories and working more with tags) and regular ‘official’ challenges. So I believe our next year will be :chart_with_upwards_trend: again !

Talking about numbers, we have again doubled in traffic since last year! The two most important ‘bumps’ were with the 2.8 release in August and I suspect that the quarantine is also leading to more activity. We’re now at close to 200k page views per day:

How has Blender Artists helped you the last year? Please share your stories of how this community solved your Blender problems, how you made friends or got people to notice your work. I’d love to read more about the impact we’re making together. On to the next year!


Nice! :+1:

I enjoy being a Blender Artists moderator. I think the Blender Artists community is a warm, helpful, communicative crowd, sharing knowledge (and frustrations) about our common love: that fabulous, versatile, open source 3D editor. :slightly_smiling_face:

Let’s make 2020 the best Blender Artists year so far!


You guys are doing a good job. Or, considering how much this forum is vital for the blender community, and how much the community is vital for Blender itself, I must correct me and say that you are doing an extraordinary job!
At the beginning I was a bit skeptical about the new platform. As everything goes, it took a bit of time to get used to (2.5 -> 2.8 anyone?? :sweat_smile:), and now I don’t even remember the old BA interface, except that it was old-style.
All my thumbs up! (Toes included!) :+1: :foot:


In a way Happy Birthday Blender Artists! :cake:
I joined the forum around Discourse migration 2 years ago and have been active ever since. I don’t know much about the past of Blender Artists but I’m enjoying the Discourse format! When I surf other forums that use old systems it feels obsolote and boring already. :upside_down_face:

When I decided to dive into Blender 2 years ago, everything evolved around this forum. I found answers to most of my questions and got inspired by artists that are sharing their artworks/workflows. I’m trying to give back likewise. :slight_smile:
I surprisingly found a lot of jobs in the forum, met with people that I become friends in real life. This was possible thanks to the helpful community and admins/moderators that are running everything smoothly.


I remember joining here sometime after the discourse update, I had been wanting to join before, but since the update was coming soon, I knew it was better to wait. :grin:
So I guess I’ve been on here for close to two years now as well. Though, I’ve been coming here ever since I got into Blender back in 2016. The knowledge and creativity here has always been exceptional, and I can honestly say this is one of the best forums out there! :ribbon: