blender at Cgtalk ?

Hi , why Blender’s section at CGT don’t have lotza of members , i feel sad when i see 100 for the crapy max and 15 for Blender .
professionals will think that blender is weak then :frowning: , what a shame … :o

Yes, it is a shame, but there isn’t any need for it. Pretty much the entire Blender community is right here (including most of the blenderheads on CGtalk). Too bad that the maxers don’t know that. What would they think if the Blender Forum had BA’s current member count of 35,167 added just to the Blender section, along with its 56 members and 279 guests that are on right now?

All the Blender users use this forum, plain and simple.

you guys are funny. Its not a race of people or a team or a nation. its a piece of software they all have strong points and weak points it would serve you well to learn more then one package. stop being software elitist.

it would serve you well to learn more then one package.

Too bad that some of the other apps aren’t free and open source.

the “industry” as you call it won’t give a “appreciation note” to blender by the number of user on cgtalk…they will become interested in Blender when they see projects being done with it. BBB, Elephants Dream, the latest “Lighthouse” short movie by Promotion studios, these are project that put Blender under the light.

So stop ranting about cgtalk, and start doing kick ass project if you want blender to be known. If you have nothing great to show that was done using Blender, well, maybe you’re not the right person to prophetize how good blender is.

You should be inspired by the Blender World Cup challenge. Its tagline is “An image is worth a thousand words”

Right, thats it, i’m making a blender vs 3ds everything,cgtalk&everyoneelse smiley.

Amazing how a 3000 bucks software is always compared to a free one. It annoys the hell out of me. If you’re feeling envious, try asking those 3ds max folks if they are using legal copies of the app. I assure you only one or two will respond. End of story.:spin:

I can’t really comment on the quality of Max because you’re expected to pay for it, but I can tell you that sometimes free is better than expensive. LaTeX and Apache are good examples that you don’t always need to throw money away.

LaTeX and Apache

Sorry for asking bu what is latex and apache ? , plane types ? …

>.> Thanks for interpreting everything the wrong way and derailing the entire thread. I’m giving you a golf clap right now. Not only did you over react and call us software elitists, you assumed that nobody here has ever used another 3D package, which is not true at all. Good job. More power to you, bro.

Ecks- Nobody ranted. All he did was comment that there’s very few Blender users on CGtalk, which is undeniable.

Once again, I’d like to thank everyone for degenerating the thread into a Blender vs. 3DS. Again. I am now going to go back to the sidelines and laugh as this thread goes to hell.

alden , and Ghost3D , both of you have valid points , so please use PM in case that you don’t agree to eachother’s opinion .

Sorry for asking bu what is latex and apache ? , plane types ? …

Apache is the most used Web Server in the world and its free!

LaTeX is top quality document preparation software and it’s free!

Here: told you so.


Haha, The Blender smiley holding the Blender sign while looking annoyed.:eek:

another_noob :- thanks :slight_smile:
TheAnimal , oh thanks for this cool image
PS :- wished that we remain on topic .

I dont think they’ll find it weak because we arent over there in packs.

The truth is(as has been mentioned), this is really the best Blender forum. The lack of active members over there may add to the common thought that Blender is for os hippies, but Id rather they just see our best work anyway, you know?

And besides, go through the finished works in their gallery sometime, plenty of Blender folks post there! Even some who arent active here at BA.

I think the thread started off with an ill tone with the crappy max remark. all I was trying to say is these are tools for us artist to use and you should take advantage of as many tools as you can so you can get the end result your looking for. don’t get so caught up on only using one app and getting into the whole us vs them thing. I use Maya everyday at work, and I used Max when i worked at digital domain and we did some great work with it. I like blender because it is free and it can rival some of the pro apps but it is not quite as mature as some of the pro apps quite yet. for example rendering needs a bit of help its getting better and im sure it will continue to improve. character animation is still a bit wonky to me XSI and Maya still do this a bit better. Blender has a lot of potential and i hope to do a project with it in the near future. i jsut really dont think there is a need to attack other apps or there users

And yes blender is not viewed as a “pro” app right now its viewed as a cool hobbiest tool. So if you want to change the perception on it they people need to start doing more pro level work with blender. If somoecomes to the forum and sees work that is on par with things done in max or maya or vray or xsi or zbrush then people will start becoming more interested in the program. I only recently started to take blender seriously because of big buck bunny. elephants dream to be hones had subpar animation and the story was pretty strange. some of the visuals were nice but overall it sorta came off like a student piece.

Max and maya have a very poor online community.

I have had autocad, combustion, and maya (then alias:wavefront) subscription support in the past, and the communites you gain access to are weak.

OSS is built on communities, but then again I guess there are some strong community lead max, and certainbly CAD forums.