Blender & ATI cards

Hi Blender people :smiley:

How good does ATI cards work with Blender, I need to know it because I will switch from back from nvidia to ATI, don`t ask why :). Sorry for my bad English…

CUL :cool:

Some cards work just fine but there have been problems with some models. Sometimes there are workarounds for the problems.

Feel free to search the forum for more exact answers. :slight_smile:

Hi again,

thanks for the fast respond… Is there somewhere a list where I can see which models run with Blender and which doesn`t?


Well, there is but it lacks newer cards.

if you’re going to switch back, I suppose your ati isn’t that old?! I am using a radeon 9800 pro without problems so far.
I had problems with older blender versions btw but the latest versions are fine.
To me it’s the ati’s drivers wich “could” make problems, but the only real annoying thing i had was that the crosshair was sometimes the same colour as the background, so you couldn’t figure out, where it actually is.

but this are minor problems i think…it will be fine to switch.
Hope it will help you :slight_smile:

Put it this way, I’ll never purchase an ATI again.

I’m using an ATI 9700 pro on Ubuntu. I don’t have any problem with it.

i have an ati 9200 and it doesn’t have problem if it its set at 8X and the motherboard drivers ae installed. but, it dosent support the new gameengine shaders.

Btw: i’m on xp pro

My Radeon9500 Pro (which is now dead btw) always slowed down in Blender after awhile, even working on the lowest polycounts, making me have to restart Blender in order for it to be fast again

also, the ATI drivers force texture compression, so using texture paint in blender on an ati card won’t produce the cleanest results…

also ati’s fsaa kills blender’s ui and makes it all sheared entirely.

no they don’t

[set textures to quality, not performance]

similar things happen on nvidia cards

people have been complaining about newer cards, I’d advise you not to get an ati card [or not to run windows with said card]…

Did someone say the cursor is the same color of the background??

Can we not change the back ground color?

Sorry for my delay…

Before I bought me a Nvidia board I had an pretty old ATI Radeon 8500 LE (64 MB) Currently Im using an not bad but old Geforce 4 Ti4800 SE (Chaintech, 128 MB). Sometimes I work with Blender on Windows XP and SUSE Linux 10.0, this board and the dirvers make no trouble on both OS. But Ive read that some people have problems with ATI cards and then Blender will crach because of the ATI dirver.

Does this also happens with the Linux ATI drivers or is it “just” a problem on Windows versions of Blender. Maybe I`ll buy an Saphire ATI Radeon 9550 (256 MB)…

So please help me for the right decision --> still Nvidia or ATI once again? :confused:

Still does it. Even at “maximum everything” in the driver settings the textures are still compressed. Q3A is hurt most by this (but not on the fx5200)

so would the geforce 7400go (128MB) be a better choice than the radeon x1600 (256MB)?
(I have to decide between two notebooks with this g-cards)

Are those screenshots somehow supposed to show compression?

I use ATI cards alot. They make good hardware. Its the software drivers that are really, really bad.

Most of ATIs problems can be fixed by replacing the awful catalyst drivers that come with the card. Whenever I buy a new ATI card I immediately uninstall the catalyst drives and install the omega drivers for my OS.

These drivers will save you periodic headaches.

all the omega drivers do is force even more texture compression though.

Yes the omega drivers are mostly optimizations and tweeks but they get rid of alot of the crap that comes with Catalyst and ironically (for me at least) this gives me less problems :confused: