Blender Background Matting. Help

Is it possible to use background matting in blender (without green screen of course)?

you mean like the original matte paintings on glass which where positioned direct afront the camera while showing a big castle in the background ?
well with blender you can do a 2d tracking of that background and even compensate camera movments.
search for 2D camera. search for ‘blender camera 2d tracking’ () and … even back in 2016 blender could do this: OpenVisualFX 2D tracking (2016).
Or short: Yes, Blender can.

I mean this:

It seems to be that you already have a source. Even a video. Wanna share ?

edit: Ups :hot_face: this is a link …

Okay this is just five month old on Github: Just use it.
Jokes aside, maybe you just want to photograph your background and if it’s an given Video: grab the pieces from the background if you see them, stich them together and…
at 0.38 he say this technics is not new and there is a text : “bg that i photoshopped”