Blender Battles... suggestion


I’m (obviously) not very active on this forum but I had a spur of the moment idea. This is a spinoff from what they used to have at the Polykarbon art forum… basically what ‘they’ did was: Person A creates a character and challenges Person B’s character. Person A draws 2 panels of this ‘fight’, then person B draws 2 panels of this ‘fight’. etc…

So, how about this… first we need a challenge forum… then:

  1. Choose Theme: (space battle, car race, gingerbreadman fight… etc)
  2. Issue/accept challenge
  3. Create models, exchange files.
  4. Person A animates… say 10s worth of footage, and post in forum
  5. Person B animates next 10s worth of footage, and post in forum
  6. repeat 4-5 till battle ‘ends’ or both people get tired of this silly game.

Possibly WAY too time consuming… [useful if models are already created (may be incorporated into monthly/weekly challenge)… ]

I dunno… I think it would be neat… and there could be some pretty ‘epic’ battles… :smiley:

[If this has been proposed in the past… I apologize… again… not very active :D]

So, let me know what you think. :smiley:

did I post this in the wrong forum maybe?

bump hehehehhehe.