I have created a two part “tutorial” on the very basics of Blender, meant for the absolutely completely inexperienced (never even used Blender) Blender user. The total time of the two parts combined is about two hours, so make sure you have time. In Part 1, everything needed for a beginner to start using Blender is explained, and in Part 2 it’s put together to create a simple scene.
I hope any Blender beginners will enjoy it. Thanks for looking!
Thanks for taking the time to contribute this to the community! I think it would attract more users to view your work if you had screenshots of your project and a basic outline of what you’re going to talk about. Otherwise, people would have to go through the entire video and perhaps in the end it wouldn’t address what they might need.
[QUOTE=Jbest;1766793]Hi everyone,
I have created a two part “tutorial” on the very basics of Blender, meant for the absolutely completely inexperienced (never even used Blender) Blender user. The total time of the two parts combined is about two hours, so make sure you have time. In Part 1, everything needed for a beginner to start using Blender is explained, and in Part 2 it’s put together to create a simple scene.
I hope any Blender beginners will enjoy it. Thanks for looking!
Hey guys, here’s whats included in the video: Learn how to work in Edit Mode How to work with objects What the properties panel contains in detail Basic hotkeys Working with lighting Using the compositor Work with modifiers