Blender/BGE on Raspberry Pi 3

Looked at the specs for the new Raspberry Pi 3 b. They upgraded the CPU to a QuadCore and is now running in 64-bit. I checked online to see if Blender/BGE runs on it and I actually found a few half-ass tutorials for installing it “sudo apt-get install blender” just like linux. However there seems to be very few demonstrations and documentations for it at this point. I can’t find any benchmarks or nothin.


I know blender aint multithreaded and wont be optimized for the new jump in cores and it’l run like shit…I know…but…CAN IT RUN!? That is the question

I bet it wont run, and if it does it runs way worse then you describe.
The fact is there is no video card, even old systems like P4 wont run blender due to a crappy video card.

So if it has a decent card/chip, and enough ram (for OS and blender) it should run.