Blender Blog idea

I have no time for such a blog but if anyone is searching for a way to support the community I would highly appreciate a blog, in which highlights of this forum (e.g. new cool scripts, current important discussions, best new pictures of the week) are summarized (and maybe commented), let’s say on a weekly basis. I have no time to track this forum every day but a wrap up of the current topics the blender community discusses could easily be followed.

Volunteers step forward! :eyebrowlift2:

you mean like blendernation?

blendernation does not cover explicitly topics at blenderartists. they just occasionally post some highlights. but not on a regular basis

So you want someone to wade through the thousands of posts that are made on these forums everyweek and pick out and summarise anything that may be of interest to who knows who. Since you’ve said you can’t be bothered to do anything like such a thing, why would you be expecting anyone else take the time consuming effort to do so.

because of the same reasons other people maintain blendernation, blender cookies, blender wiki, blender podcasts, etc.

Marty: Thanks for volunteering! When can we expect to see the blog up and running?

Demohero does a great job in his blog of highlighting great new features and discussions.

Otherwise, seems like you’re asking for someone to volunteer for a full time job for such a vague end goal. Basically you’re asking someone to volunteer to spoon feed you information that is readily available through already established channels.

i suppose that my posting has been misunderstood. anyway,

thanks crazycourier for the link.

I purchased a one-year subscription at to keep myself up to date to the new Blender several months ago. It’s hard to keep up. Time is not on my side, unfortunately. Once in a while they feature the latest Blender killer. It’s a vast subject. My interest is only on product shots – modeling and rendering. I pretty much covered modeling on my own using the earlier versions. I hope someone comes up with a site dedicated purely on Cycles or rendering in general. Blender internal is still useful and I see lots of people still use it to great effect. I would appreciate tutorials for it also.

It would be great to see sites that focus only on one subject. Blendercookie, for example, had to please everyone just like many Blender sites. Again, a site that focuses purely on Cycles and rendering in general would be a welcome addition. For me, anyway.

+1 on the idea for a Cycles-centric thingy. It’s so bleeding edge that it’s a difficult to get coherent news on the thing. The best method of learning about it is simply to hop in the cockpit and get fast and low.
But that’s why it’s exciting. It’s the prototype.
Still, even lawless frontier towns had their own crappy newspapers.
Cycles doesn’t even have it’s own subforum in here. We just have to cycle (ahem) between a couple of chaotic threads…

Actually, when I purchased my subscription at Blendercookie, Cycles hasn’t even been announced yet. I bought it solely to keep up with all the UI changes. I was also hoping that they finally come up with project-based rendering tutorials using BI or any open source alternatives like Yafaray or Luxrender. I’ve posted several suggestions that they not only focus on the very basics, but come up with tuts that the pros are actually doing in real-life projects. I think I’ve seen some improvements in that area. The latest one I saw was a Luxrender interior tutorial. Now I’m trying to find time to watch them. :wink:

But since Cycles will eventually be Blender’s native renderer, it might be best to start with it now rather than later. So a site dedicated purely for Cycles would be great.

As someone who does manage to keep a relatively close eye on these forums, there aren’t that many new threads on a weekly basis except perhaps in the WIP section. Most of it seems to be added posts to existing threads like the Cycles Development one for example. The easiest way to get a digest on a bunch of that stuff is probably to subscribe to the bigger threads you are interested in and then give the new ones a quick check on the weekend or whatever. Subscription can give you a weekly update on threads so you can read the bulk of new info in one go.

As for Cycles, it’s the main thing I’m tinkering with in my spare time which is great fun but it’s still too new to get it’s own segment. The threads on here seem to do fine for now. However, when Mango ramps up it will get a whole lot of attention for sure. Two more links to add to the pile for Cycles if you haven’t seen them: - unofficial but straight forward - some more official info

And PLEASE remember to vote! IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

How do you vote on a locked thread?

So a site dedicated purely for Cycles would be great.

Two more links to add to the pile for Cycles if you haven’t seen them: - unofficial but straight forward

Apparrently, people are finding my site, but I just wan’t to clear up, that my site isn’t a dedicated news site for Cycles. In fact only about 8% of the tutorials I make are Cycles related(A far higher percentage than other Blender sites though.)

Yeah, they shut that down faster than a news report at Area 51.
It appears that my wooden humor was on the verge of making that the most wildly unpopular thread in BA history. So they kindly saved me from such a fate…

Most of the Blender sites are of the jack of all trades master of none variety. Most of them deal with the basics and not one is focused on one feature of 3d. I mean not everyone is interested in animation. And I think the majority of 3d users are into photorealistic rendering. That’s why we usually base our judgment on 3d galleries. I understand that basics will help you take off, but it still takes a lot of experimentation to get to the advanced stage, ie, tinker with settings, render, adjust some, render, etc. All of these take massive amounts of time. Some have such time and some of us are willing to pay for other people’s time.

There’s one on Blender/Vray and I was wondering if Vray for Blender, which is relatively new for Blender, is more mature than Cycles.