Blender buttons in website

I’ve started working on my new website, and I thought it would be cool to make the links in my Blender section look and function like the actual buttons in Blender. I’ve tested the buttons in both IE 6 and Mozilla 1.3.1, and they seem to work fine. I was just wondering if the buttons work correctly for everybody else.

Go to and check to see if the buttons work good. If they don’t, let me know.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Now that Breezeland is back up, I’ve moved my site over to it. I’m also aware that it’s not, because I made my Breezeland account before I changed my username on this forum.

Works fine with Opera 7.1

Oh, and it looks cool, though the window in the middle seems tad bit too narrow (up-down-vise) on my screen (1280x1024 reso)

Good, but it takes ages to load up on a 56k dial-up modem…

Crap that’s probably the background that’s making it load slow. I’ll take it off soon…

There a slower sites to load for a 56k.
Buttons are ok in IE5 and Opera 6.01 (Hm, should go for a browser update %| )
In IE the main menu buttons are on top of each other,
in Opera they are side by side (Probably it was meant this way, didn’t look in the source)

What I find a bit irritating is the transparent background in the gallery. I don’t like this effect anyway but in a gallery section it is even worse. (That’s only my privat opinion :wink: )

Thanks for the crits!

I took out the bluish background so the page should load about 12 seconds quicker (rough estimation) for a person with a 56k modem.

I figured out why the main menu was screwing up, so I created a different effect for them. They’ll hopefully look properly now.

I also know why the page seems to take forever to load also. I have it so that images that are used in roll-overs (blender buttons and main menu tabs) are pre-loaded upon entering the site. If they weren’t pre-loaded, then they’d download when you moved your cursor over them and there would be a long delay in the rollover. All of the images used in all of the rollovers on the site so far come to a total size of 51.3 kb. I don’t know how fast a 56k modem typically downloads at…let’s say 5 kb/s. that means it would take about 10 seconds just to download the rollover images. I sincerely apologize to all 56k users for this inconvenience.

Looks and works great in Konqueror in Linux Mandrake.:slight_smile:

yea, works fine in ie 6, and i like the design…a little inconsistent, in that the styles for the content ‘pane’ and the navbar are different, but its nothing youd need your head ripped off for… :wink:

from reading the src-code i can be pretty confident in saying you didnt use a wysiwyg editor (which is something you should be praised for),as there is no trash-code and no spacer images. indenting might be a good idea as your websites grow in complexity (design-wise). :smiley: enough theory from bmax the web-programmer-wannabe… :stuck_out_tongue:


[screeching-voice]GET RID OF THE STATIC BG IMG ON THE GALLERY IFRAME!!![/screeching-voice]

Yeah, I type all the code for my sites out by hand, using “1st Page 2000”.

Ok so that’s two complaints I’ve gotten about the static image in the gallery… I’m at school right now so I’ll take it out once i get home.

There I fixed the background. I’m not sure whether you wanted no static background, or if you didn’t like the one that was already there. It’s still static, but now it fits the theme of the Blender section by looking like the Blender grid.

If you don’t like it, let me know.