Blender Cabinets - a Quick Panel for constantly used Options and Rids of some Menu Diving

Edited to the best of my understanding

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i just don’t have access to the edit button at all, neither do i on any other comments that are old, ones i just wrote recently i can edit tho


Faster for you, sure. I don’t have room in my mind to remember the 453 default hotkeys in blender.

Some people prefer buttons. Some people prefer menus. Some people really don’t like Pie Menus.

Choice is a nice thing to have.

The only “downside” I really see with this addon - for the target audience - is that it’s locked to an n-panel tab. I’d rather it be a floating palette, or a persistent horizontal toolbar at the top of the 3D view. But I believe that’s a limitation of Blender?

it can be done technicly but am also using serpens to create the add-on, at the very least intend to try and add the options for other add-ons to the list also, at least the ones i know people use, and try to do it in a way so it doesn’t get extremely messy, that way people wouldn’t need to constantly switch between N-panels nonstop in the situlation they got a bunch of different ones hopefully, i say hopefully anyway as it still might not be a perfect solution, but at least somethin to people could still have access to the panel while having access to the other stuff they need too still without needing to non-stop flip between them

so limitations i do got are duo to serpens atm

Oh and, since the pics are not listed here, atm this is what the Panel looks like currently

I think buttons are very useful for new user to explore the program.

Could you possibly update the images with the ones from the current Github Link

i would update it myself but as mentioned it does not appear to allow me to edit my own post for some reason, it did before days or so ago but not anymore

so uh…

Is it possible to make it so am able to edit my posts?