Blender camera tracking - I do not know which values to use - HC-V757

Hi, have a nice day!

Yesterday I tracked footage I shot with my Panasonic HC-V757 (without zoom), but I have no idea which values I should use to solve the scene.
I lost the manual, but there is a text on the HC-V757:

“29.5mm WIDE
OPTICAL ZOOM ø 49 mm F=4.08~ 81.6mm 1:1.8”

I honestly have no idea where I should insert which value in Blender.
Yeah, I know there is something like an online manual, but I just do not know anything about cameras. :spin:
I should learn it? I just want to track a scene in blender, no need to become a professional fotographer. :slight_smile:
It would be realy nice if some of you could help me getting the values! (I need the Sensor Width , Focal Length)
(I thing Blender can figure K1 and K2 out itself!)
(No Blender cannot figure out all of the values itself, there are very funny results, but none of them is correct.)

Thank you very much!
(I am very sorry, but my English is quiet bad!)
Edit: I corrected a mistake.

I just realized, that this thread should be in another forum. Can someone move it?

Sensor width is 1/2.3 inches, convert it to millimeters yourself. Focal length is something in between 4.08mm and 81.6mm depending on how you shot your footage. If at wide end, it is 4.08mm.

Thank you!