Blender Chatbox, just for fun?

Modron and me where just sending private messages to each other until I suddenly got the idea, why not create a Blender chatbox for fun?

I think when we will make a Blender Chatbox, we can learn eacht other better, and having some fun, like we do in the oftopic forum. Also newbies can ask questions, but the main subject is just FUN.

I searched the forum about a free chatbox to host it somewhere. I found one which doesn’t require any My SQL. link:

I think this idea should be great to do, just creating a hang out for blender users. So what do you think about this idea. :smiley:

LOL :wink:

sorry…couldn’t stop myself from laughing a bit :smiley:

well, we have had this chatbox ever since I have known Elysiun, and I have been here for 1½ years…

so go ahead click the link in the 2nd post :)!

Oh f@#k yeah! I didn’t knew it! thanx for the tip dudes. :smiley:
That beeing said the idea is great. I mean JD Multi, your idea is cool. But modron can’t use the chatbox on this site. I dunno why. Hope it won’t be the same…
See you.

PS:A very sepcial thanks to Fobos for the fun I had reading his post.

THX… :wink: For me is always a pleasure if I could help… :smiley:

You must have Java to work on your machine to be able to use the Chatbox, you could also download an IRC Client and use and /join #blenderchat and there’s /join #blenderqa too…for some nice quite and maybe long waits for answers on questions…I am never there…but other places, and for Character Animation there is /join #blenderchar

/join” command is how you join a channel, and the name starts always with #-sign, and then it will be: /join #blenderchat in the commandline…

good luck! :Z

thats kinda dumb isnt it…when you click on the “forum” tab (and you probably do that all the time), the “chatbox” tab is RIGHT next to it…hehehe!!! hahaha!!! that’s what i call need for a pair of eyes!! :smiley:

ok… so you never went to #blenderchat, JD?
pity you!!!
OMG what would life be WITHOUT #blenderchat?!!?!


fun, relaxing, efficient…



Yes ofcourse I’ve been #blenderchat, but al the time, nobody is there. And when there are some blender dudes, and I say something, it looks like everyone is dead. So nobody seems to be active in that chatbox. So that’s why I lauch another one which you can acces via html file. No Irc, just download java plugin and you can join without signing in, or creating any acount. I’ll give the link when I’m ready. :stuck_out_tongue:

repeating the 2nd post,
EXACTLY what you plan to do.

Lol, I thought it was an IRC channel, that’s why nobody was there all the time. :smiley: Thanks Carnivore.

I hope you doesn’t mean that you Don’t think it is an IRC channel…

if I missundersand you, yes it is an real irc channel heh :-?

You must be there at bad times, it’s almost always pretty active. Anyway a different chat wouldn’t be any more active.

The java chatbox is useless to me, seeing as I have a recent version of XP. something more and more people will have as time goes by. So I voted yes.

JD Multi and Modron:

This is a pretty nice IRC client thats fairly simple to use, If I can figure it out, so can you :stuck_out_tongue:

And #Blenderchat is always fairly active…

oh, and IE is crap, use a better browser.


Thanks guys.

Modron…what the heck are you talking about? What does Windows XP have to do with the Java box?

Due to legal/security issues, microsoft has disabled the ‘virtual machine’, which is the Java component needed to chat in Blender chat. (without going through mirc anyway)