Hi! I’m starting a class to teach Blender to the students at Roseville High School. However, I’m the one who has to make the curriculum. Do you have any suggestions for how I might go? I’m thinking of starting out with basic modeling, adding textures, making some more advanced models and landscapes, using multimaterial, and then keyframing, each of these in their own class. Do you think that I should do anything else? Any suggestions would be helpful and well appreciated. Thanks in advance! By the way, we have a website at http://jikan.vaider.com
On behalf of 3daar, thanks!
I suggest that you contact mthoenes, as he started giving Blender courses lately, so he can probably help you with the content.
There’s a thread on blender.org with his class journal: http://www.blender.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=1010
His course website can be found there: http://www.creationanimation.com/
Of course, the Educationnal forum on blender.org should be much useful too.