Blender closing on first click of cross

In most other applications, you click on the window close button (the X in windows) and that application will either ask you if you really want to exit, or if you want to save the thing your working on.

Is there a way to do this in Blender. Twice tonight, I accidentally closed the Blender window and lost half an hours work! :frowning:

If there is no way, could someone who has contact with the developers of Blender, ask if they could add an option to make a pop up box that says something like “Are you sure you want to Exit”. PLLEEEEEAAAASSSEEEE with sugar on top and cherries and everything…! :smiley:

Many thanks!

Look in ‘User Preferences’, and set up the Autosave

Fair enough, auto save every 5 mins will help.

But I still think that having a pop box to give you a fighting chance is a good idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for your help! :smiley:

on windows: c:/tmp/exit.blend is a save of the last sceae on exit of blender UNLESS you close from the DOS window

Ah! I actually just found the quit.blend file in
c:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp
For some reason, blender would not open the auto save file.

Thanks everyone, that quit.blend is going to help me greatly!

Ah, trust me, you’ll learn to love the lack of this feature. When you want to quit, you want to quit, after all! You don’t want to be asked;)

Amen to that!