Blender Community Survey

Hello everyone of Blender Community!

I am a category researcher at a tech publishing firm. Me and my teammates are in a process of understanding common problems or issues that developers face in working with Blender today. Our project goal is to solve the unaddressed needs and problems in learning Blender for the community and come up with a suitable learning resource that serves the community in the best possible way.

Hearing your thoughts, experiences, and opinions will be invaluable in knowing what problems really matter to developers of Blender community. This will inspire us with ideas for meaningful and useful learning resources for Blender that we could build to make your learning experience easy and fun. I would be more than happy to share the insights I receive from you all if they are adequate in number and interesting. I request you all to please take up this quick survey and help us serve you all better.

Your contribution would be very much appreciated!

Good to hear, I will gladly fulfill your request. :smiley:

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