I stumbled across a bookmark about image based lighting in Blender, but I can’t find any mention of programs to create the necessary light probes. Can anyone tell me about any programs (preferrably freeware) to create light probes?
There was a thread about this subject earlier i think but what the hell http://www.debevec.org/HDRShop/ this one is good to start with.
This page is handy for HDRI in Blender http://www.stormpages.com/eeshlo/Blender_IBL.html but you need the MHDR file format to load the probes in to Blender. There is a utillity for Blender to convert these files. HDR Shop can’t save in this format. Do a search on Google for BHDR_utility.exe i believe that’s what it’s called.
Good luck,
The BHDR utility comes with eeshlo’s IBL scripts (at the “File 2” download link).
You can use:
export light positions as a text file and import the results
with this script:
# ----------------------------------------
# Hdrshop Light Importer v0.1
# Jm Soler 03/2003
# Ce script est proposé sous licence GPL.
# this script is under GPL licence.
# ----------------------------------------
# pour fonctionner ce script doit pouvoir acceder
# a un fichier texte contenant les informations
# exportees par le LightGen_plugin de HdrShop
# ----------------------------------------
import Blender
from Blender import *
# distance a laquelle seront placees les lampes
# controle du numero de version
# adresse du fichier
if version>=225:
# recuperation de la scene
for n in range(len(tableau)):
if tableau[n].find('Color:')!=-1:
c=tableau[n].split(' ')
print c
if version>=225:
# creation de l'objet
# --> utilisation des champs de couleurs RVB
if tableau[n+1].find('Direction:')!=-1:
d=tableau[n+1].split(' ')
# creation des donnes
# --> utilisation des champs de couleurs RVB
# connexion des donnes a l'objet
# connexion de l'objet a la scene
Thanks, guys.
Just out of curiosity, how would you export the light positons as a text file from HDRShop ?
You either create your own light probes using the fairly complicated method of many photographs, from different viewpoints and with different exposures in a mirror ball, then use HDRShop or you create a world in Terragen which can output HDRIs.
You already have all the links to learn about the first method and Terragen is an extremely well known program you can easily search in Google.
Creating a lightprobe is not that hard if you do it in Blender. I made one by using Blender’s environment map and rearanging the 6 views to match the HDRI Cross maps, its realy easy. You can load up some old Blender scenes and create HDRI maps from it, you can adjust the exposure setting in the world buttons. If you want you can convert the Vertical cross to a Probe in HDRShop and use it in Blender or YafRay.