OK. But if there are A,B and C considered, developers could communicate about that.
In 4.3, we get Grease Pencil features that required a refactor that took time.
They were blog articles to explain it, and users understood.
I think that everybody, on this forum, already heard many times exaggerations about a fall of Blender, if such or such feature was not adopted immediately.
It is true, that SDF modeling is popular, interesting for being at same time intuitive and useful in very technical stuff. But it is not the alpha and omega of modeling, yet. And Blender can not be reduced to modeling. Interest for Cycles, EEVEE, Grease Pencil, VSE, Geometry Nodes, Animation, Free Open Source Software… are guaranteeing that Blender will not fall ; if it does not have SDF in the next decade. Especially after @Metin_Seven 's demonstration, that add-ons are already useable.
I think that does not harm, to let SDF enthusiasts sharing their enthusiasm about the fact, that had been considered in the survey, and that had been mentioned by Francesco in Roadmap Overview talk.
But you are right, that will not happen at detriment of cohesion of development.
Sergey’s part of talk was about consolidation of development.
And we should wait for official announcement.
Maybe I am wrong, but I suppose that developers have been consulted about items present in the survey and Francesco’s talk ; and they did not clearly reject the idea.
Currently, on both sides, everybody is speculating about when that could happen or if that will happen or if that would hurt development of something else.
But with experimental nodes in main branch, a detailed task, serious thread on devtalk and addons ; that is a little bit more than just an idea floating in the air.
There is a will to try.