I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post it…
I noticed that use a pen tablet in blender make some discomfort for wheel action commands so I used an arduino leonardo board to mimic the wheel using a simple rotary encoder, then things have slightly evolved…
Basically the arduino leonardo (you can find one for around 10$) it’s read like an USB mouse/keyboard drive so you can assign any command possible also in combinations.

Here the arduino sketch(all the library can be find form library manager, for wiring just see the pin assignments):
blender_rig_02.ino (4.5 KB)

At the moment I solved some problems related to blender latency and it seems to work fine on Linux and windows (some key has to be remapped for OSX)
I use it basically to manage radius action, tune crease weight, toggle alt for navigation, toggle ctrl/shift for selection ecc… The encoder2 is set to make crtl/wheel so you can use it for parameter tuning (click for toggle 1/10 steps).
However, the possibility of using the oven knob inside blender workflow is priceless…

I know… I’ll make some 3d printable case…


and here the BLENDER CONSOLE PAD 1.0!!!

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good boy, good boy :wink:
I’m not entirely sure, but you could create a short article with a slightly clearer explanatory on devtalk in the python section, maybe you find them more interested people

non si sa mai che mostrando nuovi potenziali…

Grazie! Interessante… I’ll post some articles about this…
I can assure you that turning the knob to go back and forward in the undo history Is a must…
I begin this because I missed mouse wheel using the wacom tablet, then I added some other knobs mapping other commands

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My hope is that the Arduino and 3D -Printing makers are getting closer to blender showing their projects …
I already know that around the world there are people who are already experimenting, but few post their projects here in the blender community because few know of this potential…

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