Blender crash occasionnally when rendering animation

Hello everyone !

My current project is driving my crazy with constant crashing, that I have never experienced before… When I render this project’s animations, it randomly crashes, sometimes after 5 frames, sometimes after 40.
I tried reinstalling Blender, reinstalling NVIDIA drivers, switching between studio and game drivers, nothing seems to fix it.

Sadly I can’t share the file, but here is the exception error, would anyone know where it comes from ?

Exception Address : 0x00007FF780F3E65C
Exception Module : blender.exe
Exception Flags : 0x00000000
Exception Parameters : 0x2
Parameters[0] : 0x0000000000000000
Parameters[1] : 0x00000000000000D7

Stack trace:
blender.exe :0x00007FF780F3E640 blender::draw::DRW_mesh_batch_cache_validate
blender.exe :0x00007FF780F08C00 drw_engines_cache_populate
blender.exe :0x00007FF780F04240 DRW_draw_render_loop_2d_ex
blender.exe :0x00007FF781B58770 image_main_region_draw
blender.exe :0x00007FF7812EFC90 ED_region_do_draw
blender.exe :0x00007FF780E04290 wm_draw_window_offscreen
blender.exe :0x00007FF780E040C0 wm_draw_window
blender.exe :0x00007FF780E03AF0 wm_draw_update
blender.exe :0x00007FF780DCB700 WM_main
blender.exe :0x00007FF780788160 main
blender.exe :0x00007FF783194934 __scrt_common_main_seh
KERNEL32.DLL :0x00007FFA6DE82560 BaseThreadInitThunk
ntdll.dll :0x00007FFA6F20AF00 RtlUserThreadStart

Thank you !

Someone ( :wink: ) posted a hint for several times… search: troubleshooting crash @Okidoki

( I know: this might be a bit saracastic…)

Do you have any simulations, physics, grease pencil, or anything else that can be baked to a cache, and have you baked those?

There are, but I don’t think they cause the issue, I tried disabling everything… In the end, the solution I found was to:

1/ Disable persistent data
2/ Render from the command line

For some reason that fixes it, but I still don’t know where it comes from :frowning:

Thanks for the help though