Blender crashes/closes down when blender opens a webpage


I first ran into this problem when using the Rokoko addon redirected me to their webpage.
But then I also noticed it happening when Blender redirects me to their online manual, or to the extensions webpage. Basically, whenever Blender redirects me to something online, it closes down.


Oh and I’m using Blender 4.3, but I’ve checked and it happens in 4.2 also. Reinstalling doesn’t help either…

Maybe it’s support problem of the rokoko addon ??

(I also changes the title to attract more users to this specific problem :wink: )

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Thanks for the quick reply! The problem is, it’s not just the rokoko addon. When blender redirects me to any webpage, it being the online manual or the extensions page, it closes down…

Ohh… i already wondered about the redirect thing… that’s strange… could it be something because of the new and faboulus windows 11 ?? Not allowing blender to make an internet connection ???

Thanks, that might explain the rokoko addon problem. The problem is, the problem doesn’t necessarily seem linked to the addon. Everytime it redirects me Blender closes down…

Maybe! Do you know if there’s an easy way to check? Does it still work in your version of Blender?

Too bad. I didn’t want to mention it… i’m on linux… :sweat_smile:

( Wanted to change the title again… but you did already :wink: )

Aah lovely linux… I’ve got to switch over at some point :slight_smile:

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Ohh… quick idea(s):

Do you have any other app which redirects to any help page (using your browser) ?

Is this even a “new” chrome-thing ?

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This is almost it. I’m using duckduckgo as my default browser. Turns out that made blender crash. Using chrome as my default browser fixed it. Don’t want to be a chrome boy, so I guess I’ll have switch between the two when I’m in need of some redirecting

That’s weird…
( using DuckDuckGo only as search engine… because they have no DDG-browser for linux… )