Blender Crashes.

Blender crashes on me from time to time?

Would a reinstal be worth the time?

The main problem I have seen more than once is working with nurbs models. (Which I was just doing a bunch of crasy stuff to see what they can do.) Another problem that happens even more often is often after I have rendered and I go to save (F3) Blender Crashes on me. I still have the render Window active (its not the the background), and it simply stalls and crashes before it even gets to the screen where you decide what you want to name it when you save. I would really hate this to happen on a render I spent 18 hours on like some of these I hear about people doing.

Not a big issue. Just wondering if anyone has a quick tip.

The only thing I can think of is that you may not have enough ram to support it. I don’t know if that is completly right or not. I would say if you have less than 128 of ram then yes that could be the problem. Otherwise wait for somone else to tell you otherwise

Lack of RAM will never make Blender crash, it will only make it slow. Heck, I used to run it on 32 MB of RAM.


Ok my bad thanks for clearing that up with me Theeth.

The problem might be related to OpenGL card acceleration. Try turning it down.


are you running windows
do you have an intel video card?
how about matrox?
how about ati?

are your drivers current?

have you tried other blender versions?

are you trying to use any python scripts?
texture plugins?
sequence plugins?
is it only this file?
can you re-create this?
using raytracing?

how does blender crash? (send error to microsoft, illegeal operation, system reboots…)

from the number of times I have seen it I bet you have a recent-ish windows XP running computer with an intel 810 based video card without current video drivers and service pack 1.

I’ve been having the exact same problem! Here’s my specs:

Intel Celeron 2.5 Ghz
512 MB RAM
128 MB Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 (w/ latest drivers)
Windows XP Home Ed. SP 1
Raytracing is enabled, some tex plugins in use.

Maybe this is a bug cuz it never happened to me with the older CVS versions with raytracing…

Silly for me not to post basic specs, ok here thay are:

512 RAM
2.6 GHz P4
Duel Mirrored 40GB Hard Drives RAID (waiting to stripe them once I fill em up)
GF3 Ti 200 128 MB (don’t know about latest drivers)
Win XP Pro


All the important stuff I can think of.

Again, blender runs at a acceptable level of stability. If its uncommon for it to crash though its probably not working right for me. My main concern is when I do get into these 15 hour renders (by this time computer will probably be doing them in 15 mins though :P) I don’t want to hit F3 and have it all go down the drain.

may that be related to thumbnail-view? don’t quite remember if filesave-window shows up using thumbnails, but i do remember that opening the fileselect window using thumbnails almost instantly crashed blender - 9 times out of 10.