Hello, I’m new to blender and learning about it.
Blender Version :
CPU : I5-12400H, GPU : RTX 3050 4GB laptop gpu, RAM : 16GB.
I am working on my first project, i was able to render 2 images with EEVEE engine but when i switched to CYCLES im not able to render images. While rendering it loads all the samples and the tiles, it even denoises it but at last it shows Freestyle : Mesh Loading then it just waits and crashes the whole thing.
I’ve tried reducing the sample size, applied Simplify (reduced the subdivision to 2), lowered most of the settings, render time also reduced from 15 min to 6 min, AND IT STILL CRASHES. Someone please help me. I just want to render it.
The freestyle will render the image and handle the freestyle.
If VRAM or RAM is at its limit, there is a possibility that this process will not be handled.
Or there’s too much to deal with.
Check the consumption of RAM and VRAM in the rendering process.
If it’s a VRAM problem, it’s possible to handle it with CPU rendering.
However, it slows down the processing speed.
Scenes with large amounts of processing, such as trees and plants, should be reduced.
#68085 - Freestyle fails to Render - blender - Blender Projects
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Ok so while checking the memory consumption I found CYCLES was having issue with FREESTYLE MESH LOAD, so I turned off FREESTYLE, then switching to OptiX and it worked.
Thankx man that helped me
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